Building Trust with Philanthropic Partners
By Pamela Ronka Maroulis, FAHP, CFRE Trust is at an all-time low in our country. Because trust is at the core of philanthropy efforts, it...
If Trust is the Glue of Life¹, What's Holding our Organizations Together?
By Pamela Ronka Maroulis, FAHP, CFRE According to Merriam-Webster, the primary definition of trust is, “the assured reliance on the...
Fair Share Spending: Financing Community Health Initiatives
By John F. Donovan, CFRE Hospitals are now being held accountable not only for care within their walls but also care for those beyond...
Leveraging Philanthropy to Advance Community Health Equity
By Amy Dorrill, FAHP, CFRE It’s reported that 85% of hospital CEOs have a strong commitment to community health, but even prior to...
Beyond the Referral: Developing True Partnerships with Physicians at Baptist Health A Case Study
In order to prepare for and accelerate success for Baptist Health’s comprehensive $100 million campaign, Baptist Health Foundation...
Data Standardization as the Catalyst For Artificial Intelligence Accuracy
By Debbie Ferguson, CFRE As data analytics have become the norm for fund development, artificial intelligence (AI) is beginning to see...
Moving Upstream: Hospitals’ Strategic Shifts to Advance Community Health - E-Book
Shifting from “Health Care” to “Health” Many hospitals are expanding their vision from providing outstanding quality care of sick...