Discovering the Health and Well-Being Benefits of Gratitude
By Linda Roszak Burton “...there’s a gratitude circuit in your brain, badly in need of a workout. Strengthening that circuit brings the...
Building a Gratitude Culture
By Pam Maroulis, CFRE Gratitude has become quite the buzzword in recent years, but it is more than just a trend. Science proves...
Gratitude's Impact on Health Care Organizations
By Pamela Ronka Maroulis, CFRE Research validates many positive implications of gratitude in the health care environment: improved health...
Using Philanthropy to Advance Your Community Health Initiatives
By Amy Dorrill, FAHP The health of our communities has been the focus of conversations for months. More than 90% of hospitals agree or...
Connecting with Donors to Advance Major Gifts
By Heather Wiley Starankovic, CFRE Donor fatigue. Many of you have heard of it. Many of you have experienced it, from both the...
Is Your Gift Planning Program Campaign Ready?
By James Gold Here’s a simple truth: deferred and realized planned gifts account for 10% to 30% of annual philanthropic dollars raised....
Campaigns: Repositioning Philanthropy Focus and Performance
Was your health care organization in the midst of a campaign prior to COVID-19? Are long-term plans on hold? How do you best move your...