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Campaigns: Repositioning Philanthropy Focus and Performance

Was your health care organization in the midst of a campaign prior to COVID-19? Are long-term plans on hold? How do you best move your philanthropy program forward? What short-term strategies can you implement right now? Accordant can help.

Accordant provides strategy and timing recommendations to organizations that wish to assess and adjust philanthropy campaigns to best advance programs during the uncertain months and years ahead.

Assessment and Strategy

Specific areas are assessed and adjusted as determined by organizational leadership and Accordant in response to current conditions.

  1. Validating campaign priorities and financing realities

  2. Case communication adjustments

  3. Volunteer, donor and prospect engagement strategy adjustments

  4. Leadership commitment and engagement

Engagement and Implementation

  1. Video-based, individual assessment conversations with key campaign leadership (such as campaign chairs, CEO, CFO and CPO)

  2. Video-based meeting with leadership determined above to validate campaign priorities, identify emerging priorities and evaluate financing realities after each participant completes a questionnaire that facilitates the discussion

  3. Updated campaign analysis compiled by philanthropy staff with Accordant’s guidance

  4. Accordant Wave CampaignTM methodology to provide flexibility and agility that secures support for the most urgent, as well as ongoing priorities

  5. Case communication messaging adjustment recommendations

  6. Detailed volunteer, prospect and donor engagement strategy recommendations

  7. Report delivery via video conferencing


The engagement, implementation and report recommendations take approximately four to six weeks and require five days of service.


Our Blog


The Accordant Team has published a number of books to advance the efforts of health care philanthropy and help development leaders everywhere. 

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Accordant is honored to collaborate with American Hospital Association Trustee Services to provide issue papers, templates and webinars to support the involvement of healthcare trustees and foundation board members in advancing philanthropy. These resources can also be found on the AHA Trustee website.

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