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2025 Leadership Retreat Sessions

Track One:

Strategy and Innovation

Track Two:

Advancing Philanthropy

Track Three:

The CEO Corner

8:40 A.M.

Navigating Trends Shaping Health Philanthropy’s Next Big Moves
February 4   8:40 A.M.   Combined Track Session

Health philanthropy organizations are at a critical juncture, where evolving practices and priorities must meet the rising demands for performance. In this session, we’ll explore the key trends and emerging challenges leaders face today, offering actionable insights into the changing dynamics of health philanthropy and how leadership must evolve to stay competitive. This session will offer a forward-thinking approach, blending current realities with innovative solutions that can empower health philanthropy organizations to thrive in a rapidly changing environment.

Betsy Chapin Taylor



10:00 A.M.

Five Levers to Building Bigger, Bolder and Better Campaigns
February 4   10:00 A.M.   Track One: Strategy and Innovation

In today's high-stakes environment, campaigns are essential to an organization's success. Yet, many struggle to execute them effectively…or pursue less than what would be considered ideal, impactful or inspirational. To meet rising expectations, leaders must optimize every aspect of campaign strategy, from building a robust donor pipeline, selecting the right projects, collaborating seamlessly with marketing on messaging, managing portfolios efficiently and leveraging data. Neither getting by nor failure are acceptable options. This session will explore actionable strategies and insights on how to pull every lever and fire on all cylinders. You will learn the key steps to ensure your campaign thrives, addressing what you need to do now and what must come next in your journey to campaign success.


Heather Wiley Starankovic

Principal Consultant



Michael Beall

Principal Consultant and Communications Practice Leader



John Donovan

Principal Consultant


The Next Frontier in Harnessing Gratitude and Clinician Engagement
February 4   10:00 A.M.   Track Two: Advancing Philanthropy

The science of gratitude reveals a powerful link between clinician engagement, improved patient outcomes and a deeper sense of purpose that helps reduce burnout. Fostering a culture of gratitude not only enhances psychological and physiological well-being but also boosts workplace engagement, job satisfaction and improved relationships. Meanwhile, predictive modeling is revolutionizing health care philanthropy by identifying prospects with the capacity and affinity to support health systems. But can it also predict which clinicians will be the best partners? The answer is a resounding yes.

In this case study presentation, learn how Accordant partnered with DonorSearch AI to apply their custom high-impact clinician models to two health care organizations’ grateful engagement strategies, leading to the successful discovery and engagement of new clinician partners.


In this session, attendees will:

  • Understand the science of gratitude and its impact on clinician engagement.

  • Explore how AI can identify new service lines and clinician partners to engage grateful patients and families.

  • Learn how to qualify, engage and track clinician partnerships to maximize stewardship and reporting.


Erin Stitzel

Principal Consultant


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Scott Rosenkrans

Associate Vice President of DonorSearch Ai



Susan Attwell

Prinicipal Consultant



Debbie Ferguson

Senior Consultant for Philanthropy Operations and Data



Linda Roszak Burton

Principal Consultant and Certified Executive Coach


Accelerating Philanthropy as a High ROI Revenue Source for Health Care
February 4   10:00 A.M.   Track Three: The CEO Corner

More information coming soon!

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Nathan Chappell

Senior Vice President of DonorSearch Ai



Betsy Chapin Taylor




Lori Counts

Principle Consultant and Certified Executive Coach


1:00 P.M.

Building a Culture of Curiosity: An Organization’s Superpower in the Age of AI
February 4   1:00 P.M.   Track One: Strategy and Innovation

In this special session for Chief Development Officers, we’ll explore how curiosity, a uniquely human trait, is key to thriving in the age of AI. As AI replicates many human capabilities, curiosity remains a critical differentiator, driving innovation and uncovering opportunities that AI cannot. Leaders will learn how fostering a culture of curiosity within their teams enables them to navigate constant change with agility, giving their organizations a strategic advantage. Through practical insights, this session will empower Chief Development Officers to harness and cultivate curiosity, leading to growth and resilience in an increasingly AI-driven world.

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Nathan Chappell

Senior Vice President of DonorSearch Ai


Donor-Advised Funds: The Future of Philanthropy is Here – Are You Ready?
February 4   1:00 P.M.   Track Two: Advancing Philanthropy

Donor-advised funds (DAFs) are transforming the philanthropic landscape at a breakneck pace, becoming one of the fastest-growing giving vehicles in modern philanthropy. Organizations that fail to understand and engage with this seismic shift risk being sidelined by more forward-thinking competitors. In this high-energy, actionable session, you’ll learn why DAFs are not just a trend, but a critical pathway to sustained funding success. We’ll dive deep into the mechanics of DAFs, bust myths and reveal the strategies savvy non-profits are using to attract these powerful donors. You'll leave equipped with smart, practical steps to integrate DAFs into your development plan, optimize your outreach and build relationships with advisors and donors alike. Don’t let your organization miss out on one of the most significant revenue opportunities of the decade. It’s time to get in the game—or get left behind.


John Donovan

Principal Consultant



James Gold

Principal Consultant



Cindy Reynolds

Principal Consultant


2:30 P.M.

Navigating Your AI Transformation
February 4   2:30 P.M.   Track One: Strategy and Innovation

This powerful and provocative session offers a deep dive into the ongoing journey of AI integration within organizations, particularly focusing on its implications and opportunities in the fund development sector. It will discuss the evolution of AI technologies like predictive and generative AI, emphasizing their potential to enhance donor experiences through precision, personalization and efficiency. Additionally, it will address common concerns and questions regarding AI, such as privacy, ethical considerations and the fear of job displacement, reassuring attendees that AI's role is to augment rather than replace human capabilities. The session aims to equip attendees with practical insights on leveraging AI responsibly to optimize and innovate in their operational and strategic endeavors, ultimately driving more informed and effective fund development practices.

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Scott Rosenkrans

Associate Vice President of DonorSearch Ai


Activate Your Storytelling Potential: An Action Guide to Maximize Storytelling
February 4  2:30 P.M.   Track Two: Advancing Philanthropy

The vast majority of donors want to feel the impact of their gifts, and storytelling can be your most powerful tool to achieve that. Yet, despite being surrounded by incredible stories every day, many organizations miss the mark. We search for elusive "storytelling unicorns," fumble main characters, rely too heavily on clinical narratives or marketing and fail to shape memorable experiences. You already know why storytelling matters—what you need is a proven way to identify and execute it effectively. This presentation offers a fresh approach to planning, developing and delivering powerful philanthropy stories.


Learning objectives:

  • Discover how to tell impactful philanthropy stories, not just marketing ones.

  • Develop a practical process and tools for collecting, vetting and utilizing stories that move people.

  • Find and share your organization’s unique voice and perspective in philanthropy storytelling


Michael Beall

Principal Consultant and Communications Practice Leader


February 4   8:40 A.M.   Combined Track Session

Attendee will select one Buzz Session to attend.

Partnership and Resilience: Navigating through Clinician Burnout

More information coming soon!


Sarah Burdi

Principal Consultant



Susan Attwell

Principal Consultant


Find Funding to Address Health Disparities in Disadvantaged Communities

More information coming soon!


Cindy Reynolds

Principal Consultant


Partnership and Stewardship: The Benefit of Expressing Gratitude to Your Donors

More information coming soon!


Linda Roszak Burton

Principal Consultant and Certified Executive Coach


Nike & Apple / Taco Bell & Doritos / Your Organization & the Community Non-Profit

More information coming soon!


Amy Dorrill

Principal Consultant


What You Must Do Now and Next to Ensure Your Database is HIPAA Compliant

More information coming soon!


Debbie Ferguson

Senior Consultant for Philanthropy Operations & Data


Building a Planned Giving Culture with Minimal Resources

More information coming soon!


James Gold

Principal Consul


9:15 A.M.

Overcoming the Competition for Connection
February 5   9:15 A.M.   Combined Track Session

This keynote will discuss the changing definition of generosity, shedding light on the unprecedented competition for connection facing modern non-profit organizations. To this end, non-profits must develop a renewed appreciation for connection and learn to leverage technology once only used by for-profit organizations. Using current data and analysis, attendees will learn the importance of measuring and prioritizing connection as well as which technologies can help them work smarter—not harder—to overcome the competition for connection. 

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Nathan Chappell

Senior Vice President of DonorSearch Ai


10:45 A.M.

Redefining Volunteer Leadership: Unleashing Influence Beyond the Boardroom
February 5   10:45 A.M.   Track One: Strategy and Innovation

At a time when traditional non-profit board structures can sometimes limit the potential of community leadership, this session invites a bold rethinking of how health care foundations engage volunteers. What if we could leverage the time, talents and influence of community leaders without the constraints? This interactive discussion will explore innovative strategies for empowering volunteers to become a more powerful force for good—helping health care organizations raise more funds while deepening community connections. We’ll challenge conventional thinking and offer new frameworks to maximize the impact of volunteer leaders, allowing them to focus on what they do best: Driving results through influence, advocacy and relationships. Join us as we break free from traditional models and tap into the untapped potential of volunteerism for the future of health care philanthropy.


Betsy Chapin Taylor




Lori Counts

Principal Consultant and Certified Executive Coach


Philanthropy, Grants, Government Relations and Community Benefits, Oh My!
February 5  10:45 A.M.   Track Two: Advancing Philanthropy

Health care systems face growing challenges in providing better access and care while expanding services to the broader community. Beyond patient revenue, organizations seek additional funding through philanthropy, grants and government appropriations. Many also provide external community funds for community benefit priorities or branding opportunities. These efforts are often siloed, with separate strategies and reporting. A cohesive structure aligning these priorities with health care initiatives can support innovative projects and yield higher returns on investment. However, such alignment requires intentional planning, coordination and transparent reporting to meet all stakeholders' goals. This presentation will explore the value of aligning philanthropy, grants and external community funding with health care system strategies. It will offer best practices and examples of how this integration benefits both the system and its funders and discuss how to approach leadership on these conversations.


Amy Dorrill

Principal Consultant


12:15 P.M.

Implementing AI for Social Good
February 4   12:15 P.M.   Combined Track Session

During this power lunch, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to harness the transformative power of AI to amplify your non-profit’s mission. Drawing insights from the upcoming book, "Nonprofit AI: A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing Artificial Intelligence for Social Good,” this session will equip you with practical tools, ethical frameworks and real-world case studies to navigate the AI transformation journey. This workshop will provide actionable strategies to implement AI responsibly, ensuring your organization remains relevant, impactful and poised to drive social good in an increasingly digital world.

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Nathan Chappell

Senior Vice President of DonorSearch Ai


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Scott Rosenkrans

Associate Vice President of DonorSearch Ai


1:15 P.M.

Key Takeaways and Considerations
February 5   1:15 P.M.   Combined Track Session

Pam will share highlights and key takeaways from all sessions to ensure you have what you need to hit the ground running when you return to your organization. Knowing where to focus will help you implement what you have learned and position you for success. Audience participation is welcomed and encouraged as we share insights learned.


Pamela Ronka Maroulis

President and Principal Consultant


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